Every letter, stitch of fabric and design of this brand, tells the story of how this brand was shaped, and it can show how the customers can mold and intertwine their own “stories” into it. When people wear my clothes, their stories are automatically etched into the fabric. When my supporters wear my clothes, I not only want them to feel comfortable, I want them to feel inspired. I want them to feel like they can accomplish anything that they put their minds to. This brand symbolizes more than fashion. It merges fashion with motivation. Motivation not only to keep going, but the belief that we can. To never give up. To know that we will succeed if we just continue to trust the process.

Hello my name is Ericka and I am a fashion designer who was placed on this earth to do gods work. I’m here to motivate, inspire and encourage todays youth to become more than what society deems them to be. I would love to show them how to become entrepreneurs and look beyond high school, even if that’s college, Whatever there hearts desire. I was born and raised in Chicago & living in the Roseland park community has motivated me into become the woman I am today. My hearts desire is to collaborate with company’s like Nike, Jordan, and Adidas. I want to provide the necessary safe spaces for youth to grow, learn, and be the best that they can be through these partnerships. It would be a chance to intertwine our brand ideas that could create stories of motivation and of inspiration. It would also spark a desire to host citywide Back to School events. I see these collaborations helping end the youth violence in Chicago due to them not having any inspiration and nothing to do. Ultimately I want to help change the world through todays youth in a dope unique way.